Posts Tagged ‘hypnosis school’

Learning to Forgive With Hypnosis

February 18, 2009

‘Sticks and stones will break my bones but names can never hurt me– ’

Most of us have heard this saying before. In fact a lot of us were taught this by well-meaning adults who hoped to inspired us to ‘turn the other cheek’ and ignore taunts and teasing from bullies in school. But the fact is this old adage is simply not true. People have and still do die as a long term result of having been called names. It can simply be difficult to make a connection at first between the names and the illness that later develop. The cause and effect are separated most time by years or even decades. The original cause of problem that led to the development of the illness is instead attributed to environmental factors, or genetics, or some other random event.

If a child hears from his or her peers too often that, ‘you can’t play because you’re fat (or ugly, stupid, skinny, tall, short, etc.)  That child holds on to that ‘truth’ of not being ‘good enough’ or ‘likeable’ forever. The job of the subconscious mind is to remember and hold tight single thing you hear, see, and feel since you’re birth.

Between the ages of birth through five years old children live from their subconscious mind, all day every day. The unique quality of the subconscious mind is that it does not judge the difference between right and wrong because it does not filter information using logic or reason. The subconscious mind understands and believes what it absorbs without question or reason. This is why little kids can learn new skills and abilities with such a blinding speed. Important skills like walking, talking, tying shoe laces, reading and writing are learned in this subconscious state of mind.  

But this can also be a time when children learn that they aren’t wanted, don’t deserve love, or that they are unworthy. A young child hears a comment that they’re ‘bad.’ From then on all comments or observations that resemble this in tone or attitude are magnetically drawn together, they ‘bond’ with the original statement. The compounding of statements makes the belief grow in its limiting power. When children absorb ideas that tell them rich people are bad, that they themselves will never succeed, that men are ‘bad,’ or that love doesn’t exist they become subconscious beliefs. Over the years and decades the beliefs will eventually be manifested their real life experience. Their body and mind will conspire to create a real life that demonstrates the truths they know and accept.

Time and again I’ve seen people with a deeply ingrained belief that they ‘hurt others’ simply by ‘being alive.’ Logic and reason of course let us understand this is not true but if a child experienced a difficult pregnancy or birth the belief would be subconscious, flying under the radar of our day to day awareness. This subconscious belief would compel us to sabotage opportunities to enjoy life and success because ‘we don’t deserve to be happy.’

These buried derogatory beliefs are a leading causes of illness and disease.  Other life issues like poverty, depression, obesity, or addictions can also be attributed to these deeply implanted feelings of inadequacy. Fear, feelings of inadequacy, and low self-esteem make it difficult take risks, make choices, ask for a raise, or find their dream partner as adults.

Fear of public speaking is the number one fear in North America. Fear of public speaking is really the same fear of rejection we learned early at school. If teachers lost patience with us, we were hit for making mistakes, or if the other kids laughed at us if we stumbled over a word a non-supportive belief was planted. 

Most of us are stuck with these non-supportive beliefs that were generated in childhood even though the events that inspired them are long forgotten. As adults we’re baffled by strange limitations that may keep us trapped in debt or abusive relationships. We simply can’t figure out how we keep making the same mistake over and over again. Bringing the origin of the problem to awareness allows us to go through a healing process. This enables us to truly begin living our purpose. Shedding subconscious negative beliefs opens the potential for wonderful relationships, great health, and financial abundance.

Although going through the entire releasing process is more effective at helping you be truly free here’s a small way to started clearing limitations. Make a list of all the names you were ever called in school by teachers and fellow students. In your mind’s eye imagine confronting each person telling them exactly how what they said made the child you feel back then. Go ahead say it out loud (in private) and let it all out. Keep going until you start to feel negative emotions leave you. Then imagine looking into that person’s eyes and letting them know how you feel now that you’re free of those stuck emotions. To finish imagine yourself making different choices taking different actions in the future taking as a result of being free of those old ideas. Try this with each person who said something mean to you. By the time you’re finished you’ll feel amazing and free once again!


Call Full Circle Hypnosis Inc. today for more information 403-873-7501 or email an inquiry to




Speed Recovery Using Positive Words in the O.R.

February 18, 2009

‘Sticks and stones will break my bones but names can never hurt me– ’

Most of us have heard this saying before. In fact a lot of us were taught this by well-meaning adults who hoped to inspired us to ‘turn the other cheek’ and ignore taunts and teasing from bullies in school. But the fact is this old adage is simply not true. People have and still do die as a long term result of having been called names. It can simply be difficult to make a connection at first between the names and the illness that later develop. The cause and effect are separated most time by years or even decades. The original cause of problem that led to the development of the illness is instead attributed to environmental factors, or genetics, or some other random event.

If a child hears from his or her peers too often that, ‘you can’t play because you’re fat (or ugly, stupid, skinny, tall, short, etc.)  That child holds on to that ‘truth’ of not being ‘good enough’ or ‘likeable’ forever. The job of the subconscious mind is to remember and hold tight single thing you hear, see, and feel since you’re birth.

Between the ages of birth through five years old children live from their subconscious mind, all day every day. The unique quality of the subconscious mind is that it does not judge the difference between right and wrong because it does not filter information using logic or reason. The subconscious mind understands and believes what it absorbs without question or reason. This is why little kids can learn new skills and abilities with such a blinding speed. Important skills like walking, talking, tying shoe laces, reading and writing are learned in this subconscious state of mind.  

But this can also be a time when children learn that they aren’t wanted, don’t deserve love, or that they are unworthy. A young child hears a comment that they’re ‘bad.’ From then on all comments or observations that resemble this in tone or attitude are magnetically drawn together, they ‘bond’ with the original statement. The compounding of statements makes the belief grow in its limiting power. When children absorb ideas that tell them rich people are bad, that they themselves will never succeed, that men are ‘bad,’ or that love doesn’t exist they become subconscious beliefs. Over the years and decades the beliefs will eventually be manifested their real life experience. Their body and mind will conspire to create a real life that demonstrates the truths they know and accept.

Time and again I’ve seen people with a deeply ingrained belief that they ‘hurt others’ simply by ‘being alive.’ Logic and reason of course let us understand this is not true but if a child experienced a difficult pregnancy or birth the belief would be subconscious, flying under the radar of our day to day awareness. This subconscious belief would compel us to sabotage opportunities to enjoy life and success because ‘we don’t deserve to be happy.’

These buried derogatory beliefs are a leading causes of illness and disease.  Other life issues like poverty, depression, obesity, or addictions can also be attributed to these deeply implanted feelings of inadequacy. Fear, feelings of inadequacy, and low self-esteem make it difficult take risks, make choices, ask for a raise, or find their dream partner as adults.

Fear of public speaking is the number one fear in North America. Fear of public speaking is really the same fear of rejection we learned early at school. If teachers lost patience with us, we were hit for making mistakes, or if the other kids laughed at us if we stumbled over a word a non-supportive belief was planted. 

Most of us are stuck with these non-supportive beliefs that were generated in childhood even though the events that inspired them are long forgotten. As adults we’re baffled by strange limitations that may keep us trapped in debt or abusive relationships. We simply can’t figure out how we keep making the same mistake over and over again. Bringing the origin of the problem to awareness allows us to go through a healing process. This enables us to truly begin living our purpose. Shedding subconscious negative beliefs opens the potential for wonderful relationships, great health, and financial abundance.

Although going through the entire releasing process is more effective at helping you be truly free here’s a small way to started clearing limitations. Make a list of all the names you were ever called in school by teachers and fellow students. In your mind’s eye imagine confronting each person telling them exactly how what they said made the child you feel back then. Go ahead say it out loud (in private) and let it all out. Keep going until you start to feel negative emotions leave you. Then imagine looking into that person’s eyes and letting them know how you feel now that you’re free of those stuck emotions. To finish imagine yourself making different choices taking different actions in the future taking as a result of being free of those old ideas. Try this with each person who said something mean to you. By the time you’re finished you’ll feel amazing and free once again!


Call Full Circle Hypnosis Inc. today for more information 403-873-7501 or email an inquiry to




Will Sticks & Stones Hurt Me?

February 18, 2009

‘Sticks and stones will break my bones but names can never hurt me– ’

Most of us have heard this saying before. In fact a lot of us were taught this by well-meaning adults who hoped to inspired us to ‘turn the other cheek’ and ignore taunts and teasing from bullies in school. But the fact is this old adage is simply not true. People have and still do die as a long term result of having been called names. It can simply be difficult to make a connection at first between the names and the illness that later develop. The cause and effect are separated most time by years or even decades. The original cause of problem that led to the development of the illness is instead attributed to environmental factors, or genetics, or some other random event.

If a child hears from his or her peers too often that, ‘you can’t play because you’re fat (or ugly, stupid, skinny, tall, short, etc.)  That child holds on to that ‘truth’ of not being ‘good enough’ or ‘likeable’ forever. The job of the subconscious mind is to remember and hold tight single thing you hear, see, and feel since you’re birth.

Between the ages of birth through five years old children live from their subconscious mind, all day every day. The unique quality of the subconscious mind is that it does not judge the difference between right and wrong because it does not filter information using logic or reason. The subconscious mind understands and believes what it absorbs without question or reason. This is why little kids can learn new skills and abilities with such a blinding speed. Important skills like walking, talking, tying shoe laces, reading and writing are learned in this subconscious state of mind.  

But this can also be a time when children learn that they aren’t wanted, don’t deserve love, or that they are unworthy. A young child hears a comment that they’re ‘bad.’ From then on all comments or observations that resemble this in tone or attitude are magnetically drawn together, they ‘bond’ with the original statement. The compounding of statements makes the belief grow in its limiting power. When children absorb ideas that tell them rich people are bad, that they themselves will never succeed, that men are ‘bad,’ or that love doesn’t exist they become subconscious beliefs. Over the years and decades the beliefs will eventually be manifested their real life experience. Their body and mind will conspire to create a real life that demonstrates the truths they know and accept.

Time and again I’ve seen people with a deeply ingrained belief that they ‘hurt others’ simply by ‘being alive.’ Logic and reason of course let us understand this is not true but if a child experienced a difficult pregnancy or birth the belief would be subconscious, flying under the radar of our day to day awareness. This subconscious belief would compel us to sabotage opportunities to enjoy life and success because ‘we don’t deserve to be happy.’

These buried derogatory beliefs are a leading causes of illness and disease.  Other life issues like poverty, depression, obesity, or addictions can also be attributed to these deeply implanted feelings of inadequacy. Fear, feelings of inadequacy, and low self-esteem make it difficult take risks, make choices, ask for a raise, or find their dream partner as adults.

Fear of public speaking is the number one fear in North America. Fear of public speaking is really the same fear of rejection we learned early at school. If teachers lost patience with us, we were hit for making mistakes, or if the other kids laughed at us if we stumbled over a word a non-supportive belief was planted. 

Most of us are stuck with these non-supportive beliefs that were generated in childhood even though the events that inspired them are long forgotten. As adults we’re baffled by strange limitations that may keep us trapped in debt or abusive relationships. We simply can’t figure out how we keep making the same mistake over and over again. Bringing the origin of the problem to awareness allows us to go through a healing process. This enables us to truly begin living our purpose. Shedding subconscious negative beliefs opens the potential for wonderful relationships, great health, and financial abundance.

Although going through the entire releasing process is more effective at helping you be truly free here’s a small way to started clearing limitations. Make a list of all the names you were ever called in school by teachers and fellow students. In your mind’s eye imagine confronting each person telling them exactly how what they said made the child you feel back then. Go ahead say it out loud (in private) and let it all out. Keep going until you start to feel negative emotions leave you. Then imagine looking into that person’s eyes and letting them know how you feel now that you’re free of those stuck emotions. To finish imagine yourself making different choices taking different actions in the future taking as a result of being free of those old ideas. Try this with each person who said something mean to you. By the time you’re finished you’ll feel amazing and free once again!


Call Full Circle Hypnosis Inc. today for more information 403-873-7501 or email an inquiry to




Why Children Can Be the Best Hypnotherapy Subjects

February 18, 2009

How can children benefit from hypnotherapy? In more ways than you might imagine. Hypnotherapy can help to eliminate childish habits such as bed-wetting and nose-picking. It can help develop good study habits, improve concentration and learning ability, develop motivation, creativity and self-esteem. It can help deal with grief or loss. Most importantly, it can head-off potential psychological damage that might be caused by misunderstanding the words of an adult.

Hypnotherapists have file cabinets filled with case histories of adults who have sough help understanding childhood memories. It is really amazing how much damage can be done by a well-meaning, but misunderstood remark. Especially when it comes from a trusted source like a parent or a teacher.

Children all have individual personalities, just as adults do. They each respond to comments by authority figures in their own way. For instance, a parent might see a poor report card and try to use reverse psychology to motivate the child. The parent might say something like: “I can’t believe any kid of mine is this dumb.” If the child has enough self-confidence, it might provoke him into trying harder; but if the child is insecure, a statement like that could make him believe that he really is dumb, or worse, that his father or mother doesn’t love him.

Hypnotherapy can help children to understand what was really meant, and prevent the misunderstanding from becoming an emotional scar that would limit their personal growth or performance throughout their life.

Children are actually the best subjects for hypnotherapy. Prior to beginning any program, a hypnotherapist should take the time to interview the child; to find out what the child likes and dislikes. This will ensure that the best imagery is used, and the child will have a positive response to hypnotherapy.

Once they develop an adequate attention span, children are easily hypnotized. Children spend most of their waking hours playing games and indulging in fantasies or pretend experiences; in which they become totally absorbed. For this reason, play can become an excellent method for implementing therapeutic suggestions. Hand puppets and stuffed animals easily capture a child’s attention and therefore make excellent tools for implementing therapeutic suggestions.

Children may not realize the potential power of visualization. Yet they have this natural talent for dreaming and for picturing things in their minds. They respond beautifully to fairy tales and bedtime stories. They like to imagine that they have a part in the story being told, and they slip into hypnosis easily.

Teenagers can also benefit from hypnotherapy. It can be effective in improving concentration and learning ability. It can also be helpful in dealing with behavior problems such as delinquency and drug addiction. With teenagers, however, motivation plays a much larger roll. It is essential that they understand and want the change.

Call Full Circle Hypnosis Inc. today for more information 403-873-7501

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What Is Regression Therapy?

February 18, 2009

Because the subconscious mind still holds every piece of information it has ever ‘received’ it is possible to use hypnosis to ‘retrieve’ a lost or repressed memory. This is called age regression. Age regression is re-accessing the emotions, sensations, and reactions surrounding an event from the past. One of the benefits of age regression is the ability to capture positive emotions or states of mind from a particular happy event for use in other contexts. Another benefit of age regression is accessing the past to influence or change its effect in the present.

When asked to ‘go back in time’ to discover the origin of a problem a hypnotized subject may travel a surprising distance. Some may find the root of a problem or illness in a childhood experience or they may find it in a past before the present lifetime. The hypnotherapist will need to be flexible and careful not allow the visualization to be confused with memory. This is why the therapist uses non-directive hypnotherapy.

Non-directive hypnotherapy uses general phrasing, anecdotes, similes, or metaphors instead of direct prompts like ‘I feel healthy and well rested.’

This helps clients look at their own life ‘story’ as a narrative like a movie they’re watching or a book they’re reading. This approach will help disengage some of the hot button emotions so they can look at their situation more objectively. By looking at their own situation as the plot of a movie or book they can discover what the ‘character’s’ motivations are. Making life choices becomes less threatening, more of a fun exercise.

Thinking of their life in terms of novel or film plots or stories they’ve heard usually helps clients find new options for resolving their problem. This method can help patients recognize if they are acting like any of the most common character archetypes. After ‘fictionalizing’ her story under hypnosis I had one client remark, “Oh no…how did I get to be Cruella Deville” (the villain of the famous Disney 101 Dalmatians). Viewing her own drama from a different point of view helped her recognize she’d been playing a role she didn’t sign up for. This helped her make the changes she needed to successfully shift the situation.

Another way non-directive hypnotherapy can help is by engaging clients to think of their problems in similes or metaphors. While treating Dave for depression he described the feeling of ‘having the life squeezed out of him.’ Working with this description in trance I used the metaphor of making juice describing how the best essence comes through when subjected to external pressure. A few days later Dave phoned to share that in his imagination he saw his wife’s hand as the oppressive squeezing force doing the ‘juicing.’ This led us to take a deeper look at his marriage as a source of his depression.

Another example is “Jane” who was struggling with emotional complications she just could not understand. As long as she could remember Jane always struggled with sadness whenever loved ones or visitors left her house.  But the emotional upsets were becoming more and more aggravated. More recently Jane found herself dissolving in tears and severe crying whenever anyone went out. She felt she was losing control of her feelings.

Under hypnosis Jane was asked to ‘go back’ to the first time she remembers experiencing this problem. Here I engaged the suggestion that Jane watch the event like a movie explaining to me what she saw.

Jane observes herself at five years old sitting on her stairs holding her favorite rabbit.  From there she can see the living room and front door. Her favorite aunt is leaving after an extended visit. Jane’s mother calls her down to say good-bye. Jane throws her arms around Aunt Sue giving her a big kiss. Aunt Sue doubles over as if in pain. Frightened Jane is shuffled quickly out of the way. An ambulance soon arrives to carry Aunt Sue away. Jane never sees her aunt again.

When she was shuffled out of the way her well-meaning family only wanted to protect her from shock and stress. It was never explained to her that after Aunt Sue left she would be gone forever never to return return. She remembers learning much later that Aunt Sue died in the hospital from complication of early labor.

Without realizing it this experience established an unshakable connection between leaving the house and mysteriously ‘disappearing for good.’ This connection stayed trapped in Jane’s subconscious. Her five-year-old mind was not capable of understanding but the connection between going out the door and disappearing for good continued to grow.

As with most problems of this kind unraveling the nature of the childhood misunderstanding was enough to solve the problem. Traditional psychoanalysis may have taken years to discover the cause a hypnotherapist resolved in only two sessions.


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Using Hypnosis to Achieve Goals Quickly

February 18, 2009

Hypnosis has the potential to help us achieve goals with more speed and easy than imagined possible. No matter what our goals are. Few people understand the incredible power of their subconscious mind. The subconscious has remarkable, almost unfathomable power over our lives. It is our subconscious that is responsible for our ‘bad habits.’ Habits of action, habits of thought, and habits of belief are the result of memories or perceptions locked deep in the subconscious. Often these memories are completely forgotten by our conscious mind but all experiences are stored permanently in the subconscious mind. We can create desire change with more efficiency through hypnosis because hypnosis is one of the few ways of effectively accessing our subconscious.

Fear and confusion often block people from even considering hypnotherapy as a practical tool. Because of movies, television, and stories many people mistakenly believe that the hypnotherapist will gain ‘control’ them. They fear that hypnotist will make them reveal hidden secrets or fears, or worse yet force them to do absurd things, the kind we see in stage hypnosis. Few people are able to entrust a virtual stranger with that much seeming ‘power’ over their lives, and rightly so.

But the truth is the individual always retains ultimate control that under hypnosis. No one can be coerced, tricked, or talked into doing things that go against their values or beliefs even while under hypnosis. The silly things we see people do during stage hypnosis is a result of their cooperation and willingness to entertain. That’s why stage hypnotists use ‘volunteers.’

Of course hypnosis is not the ultimate solution for every issue but it has been proven to work extremely well for resolving issues like insomnia, nail biting, stuttering, improving memory, or creating a greater ability to concentrate. Hypnosis has proven successful for those in high stress careers like sales and professional sports. The most common reasons for visiting a hypnotherapist today remain weight loss, quitting smoking, and stress management.

Hypnosis is a strong alternative for those who fail to lose weight using diets because controlling their eating does not rid them of the subconscious motives for turning to food. With this awareness diets become no more than battles of will between the conscious and subconscious minds. A battle the subconscious will always win.    

The subconscious formulates its needs and urges based on memories of past emotional experiences, usually experiences that threatened their security or self-preservation. Although the conscious may have quickly forgotten the subconscious retains all memories sealing the event permanently.

Hypnosis has the capacity locate those events in the subconscious that trigger the unwanted behavior. Only by addressing the subconscious can real change take place.  Hypnosis eliminates problems by their roots. Accessing the subconscious allows the individual to release their desires for empty calories enabling them to succeed in losing weight like never before.  

Hypnosis takes the same approach towards smoking cessation by taking the individual back to that first cigarette, transforming the event that caused it in the first place. Many phobias such as fear of water, fear of flying, fear of driving and others like claustrophobia are resolved the same way often in just two or three hypnotherapy sessions.

“What the mind causes, the mind can cure. Wellness begins in the mind!” Every problem has a There is a root cause to every problem. Hypnosis alters the ‘hard drive’ that is the subconscious mind making problems disappear.


Call Full Circle Hypnosis Inc. today for more information 403-873-7501

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Uncover Your Hidden Attitude of Success

February 18, 2009

Browse any bookstore, cruise the internet, or click trough the television channels and you’ll find countless gurus or coaches promising to reveal the secret, unravel the clues, or show you the steps that will let you re-create your life so you can achieve all your desires, instantly. There are limitless numbers of ‘methods’ that promise to eliminate negative influences or reduce stress in your life.  But each instruction or observation starts to look the same; get beyond fear, ‘don’t worry, be happy,’ ‘accomplish your ‘inner work,’ ‘attract’ wealth. I’ve devoured each opportunity hoping each one would get me closer to the self I always wanted to be, get me closer to understanding others, or help me conquer my ‘destructive beliefs.’ 

All of us desire to better understand the way our world actually operates. We want answers to why Mark and Steve who hail from the same socio-economic background, got the same scores at the same schools, yet one will flourish while the other falters. Why do some people ‘have it all’ while others who seem to work harder or have better moral character suffer without?  How is one child able to skyrocket into success even after an abusive childhood while Amy is left trapped and bereft by less severe experiences?  Why is it that some people are naturally friendly while others drive others away with their negative attitude? 

Some elementary observations reveal that the so-called successful people that inspire us are merely people that stopped accepting their own excuses. These are people who have decided to apply themselves to organizing the world to work for them, not against them.  Masters of their domain eliminate behaviors that lead them in the wrong direction. They jettison any belief or systems if they find it is not conducive to their goals. These are people that have figured out how to get the results they want. They chose excellence instead of waiting for opportunity to knock on their door.

It may be surprising to learn that by age seven everything we believe, our convictions, and values are established. Every choice and action after is determined by that early belief program. We build beliefs from a combination of our daily experiences or what we see to be true and our education or what we learn to be true. The reality is etched on our subconscious through repeated similar experiences that lead us to the same conclusions.  

Beliefs become conditioned responses as hard to change as the instinct to pull your hand away form something hot. We learn quickly based on the two possible results. We learn to like or go toward something that gives us pleasure. We learn to avoid things or situation that give us pain. This means our decision making skills depend on only two things:  pain and pleasure

Every choice has consequences, helpful and good consequences or bad and undesirable consequences. Psychologists have demonstrated that people will do almost anything to avoid pain. Likewise they will gravitate towards pleasure.  This begins to reveal that the most significant factor of every decision we make is to avoid pain.  If pain can be subconsciously linked to any goal or desire of ours we will literally sabotage ourselves to keep from even taking one step toward them.

We waste too much of our time stumble through life thinking only about work or career, about shoulds and could haves, or other distractions while completely overlooking what’s going on around them. So many people are half present that every day more people than you’d think step off ladders, slice their themselves opening a bagel, run their car into a immovable object, or stepped into oncoming traffic. Or consider how many people get robbed because they ‘ignored’ the suspicious man walking right up to them. Through their oblivion people make their lives needlessly complicated. 

But the worst part is if a lack of focus in our physical world has this level of consequences…how bad are the complications that are a result of a lack of mental focus. It could be this very thing that is keeping you from creating the life you want.

Humans are graced with an incredibly precious opportunity, the opportunity to choose. Too many of us ignore or reject this power. When you live in a way that shows you don’t deserve success you it means you choose not have it.  You may rationalize by telling stories that you are not good enough, smart enough, or worthy. The only thing keeping you from living your dream is the stories, the excuses you tell yourself. It’s the excuses that create a world where you can’t have what you want. 

Think about what is blocking you right now. What is keeping you from realizing your true potential?  Only once you can admit this can you begin removing those obstacles. Removing the blocks lets you achieve your goals, live the life you choose.  Determine the direction you need to go to make your dreams happen then go that way! 

Check out our line of success hypnotherapy CDs to help inspire you to take action today!


Call Full Circle Hypnosis Inc. today for more information 403-873-7501

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Turn Fear Into Self-Love!

February 18, 2009

What is fear really? Are we born with it? Absolutely not! Yet many of us find ourselves consumed by fear.  As young children we learned fear through conditioning. Yet most of our fears are based on nothing, no real danger or menace at all. Yet fear grew to limit our thoughts. Our feelings are hemmed in by fear. We restrain our actions out of fear. All of which ultimately limits our realities.

We’re aware that our thoughts create our reality. We also know these limiting behaviours we learned as children have a direct influence on how unhappy we are in our careers and relationships as adults today.

But how did this happen? Who would do such cruel things to a young child?

Fear based behaviours are learned from parents, grandparents, teachers, and institutions. All the God-like authority figures we looked up to as children played a part in this fear conditioning. These fears or limiting beliefs are passed to each generation whether there is any truth in them or not. Because we know for certain that what we believe, becomes our truth.

If for example you were raised to think that money came as freely and easily as the air we breathe and ‘work’ was effortless? If you were conditioned to believe that money is always available, literally surrounding you, supporting your every desire to acquire or give? If you were brought up to believe that money is the natural result of being a good person what would happen?

Imagine for a moment that you grew up to believe that your body was a thing of great beauty and that your health was precious, that every body is truly amazing. Think of all the remarkable things our bodies can do, and we hardly need to think about it.

What would happen if you were raised to realize the perfection in all thing; to realize the true beauty in all creation? Even if society or someone around you thought or even said “you’re ugly,” you still see them in their perfect they too were created by God (or Universal Spirit).

Now imagine our world but imagine it free from judgment and full of love for each and every one of us, love for each and every piece of creation. War would cease to exist, there could only be peace. No one would feeling themselves to be unworthy or undeserving.

This world of love begins first in your mind when you love and appreciate yourself, and your body. Allow money to as freely and abundantly to as the air you breathe. When you master truly loving yourself you will then have the capacity to love others without judgment. When you love others beyond judgment then they too will experience a more confident self that allows them to truly be all that they can.

To changing the world requires changing one heart at a time. The best –  in fact the only thing you can really do is to begin with yours own.

To begin the process of remembering to love yourself truly from the inside out either one of these CDs can help you get started today.


Call Full Circle Hypnosis Inc. today for more information 403-873-7501

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Remote Viewing; See the World From Right Where You Are

February 18, 2009

Why not go find out for yourself if there is life on other planets? The same goes for anyplace, anywhere else you’d like. Travel anywhere on earth all the way to the moon. Explore the sun, visit quasars, or uncover the truth about black holes. Peek at the historic imprint that records all reality; the Akashic Records. With remote viewing the entire universe is your playground to enjoy. Remote viewing even allows you to visit or ‘see’ other people. This amazing treasure is not limited in time or space. That means remote viewing applies to time travel as well.  Step into the past or glide into the future.


Past live regression of the kind accomplished in hypnotherapy is simply another form of remote viewing. Why not try something different by visiting future lives? In hypnotherapy regressing ‘to cause’ means revisiting events from this lifetime with the goal of resolving trauma. Progression, another hypnotherapy technique involves moving into the future to experience what life will be like after achieving your goals. Not surprisingly these are all various forms of remote viewing.

In the early nineteen seventies Hal Puthoff began his meticulous scientific research into psychic phenomenon. Wisely realizing that few investors would be anxious to fund research into ‘astral travel’ Puthoff renamed it Remote Viewing. Puthoff’s elemental discovery was that after achieving trance, individuals can ‘visit’ and clearly observe other places. Experienced remote viewers can zero in on particular locations when given only the longitude and latitude.

To keep up with the Russians at the time the CIA funded their own remote viewing project. Security authorities were alarmed to discover that if we could see their secret stockpiles and locations, the Russians could see our secrets as well. Although remote viewers don’t actually ‘exist’ in the viewing environment so they can’t move things around or touch things. Thus neither the US nor the Russians were able to open files or access information. But paperwork left in the open, wall charts, maps, blackboards and so forth, are visible. So-called secret projects or activities could be easily observed through remote viewing. The CIA claims it stopped researching and experimenting with remote viewing in 1985.

Anyone with the desire and the ability to enter trance can remote view. In the beginning researchers like Putoff worked mostly with renowned psychics like Pat Price and Ingo Swann. As part of the research control Putoff also engaged non-psychics in altered states for testing. To his and everyone’s surprise it was discovered that practically anyone can learn to remote view. Every time you experience a gut hunch or deja vu, you are accomplishing something very similar to remote viewing.


While it is true that some people are better suited to acquiring this skill than others the only difference between regular folks and psychics is that psychics slip into trance immediately. Psychics don’t need inductions.  No matter what you choose to call it the trance state guided meditation, visualization, or assisted relaxation, its real name is hypnotic trance.


Hypnosis puts the conscious and subconscious minds in communication with each other. According to some the soul is linked to you through your subconscious mind. This is how hypnotic trance offers you access to the wide universe. The conscious mind is absolutely necessary to the human experience. It is the conscious mind that makes the choice between good and evil acting as a filter. Removing the thin veil that separates the conscious from the unconscious allows you to cruise the universe, first class.

As with all talents and skills there are gradations and variations among individual remote viewers. Some remote viewers say their souls leave their bodies while others say they simply observe. This means there’s no need to fear remote viewing. No matter how it works for you most comfortably, you’re doing it ‘right.’ The prime directive of your subconscious is to keep you safe so few people will experience their soul wrenching from the body. Their awareness will arrive at the target destination. Remote viewing has the potential to be more enjoyable than day dreaming, sleep dreaming, or even lucid dreaming because you are in charge. You choose the time and place you wish to visit. Once there you’re able to move around at the speed of thought.


To remote view quiet your mind, close your eyes and relax in a safe comfortable place. Relax deeply by releasing all the tension from your body muscle by muscle. Practice remote viewing according to location at first. Try nearby places like the next room or next door before reaching further. Eventually you’ll be able to reach the moon and stars. To remote view through time start in a recent time of happiness, then step back a few months or a few years. Shift back to infancy, then shift further back to before this lifetime to visit past lives. Do the same to move into the future. Begin by shifting a few days, then weeks, then months before tackling years, decades and centuries. This was you can access any of your future lives.

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Relieve Phobias by Phone

February 18, 2009

People often ask, ‘when do normal, healthy fears become phobias.’ I tell them that ‘if a fear begins to limit your life, influence your decisions, or drive you to say or do things you’d rather not; it’s time to plan change.’


It may be a shock to discover the profound truth in John F Kennedy’s famous ‘nothing to fear but fear itself’ speech.  Discovering that the roots of your fears or phobias are in fact nothing more that fear itself may be an unpleasant surprise. But the simple fact is that all fear is…is fear. Say for example you’re afraid of cats. It’s not unusual for the development of that specific fear of cats to actually have little to do with cats and everything to do with fear. Miscellaneous, arbitrary fears more than likely built inside of you over time until you needed to have an identifier, a ‘thing’ to pin the blame on such as cats. But you don’t need to let fear control your life.


Every experience you’ve ever had no matter how quick or how seemingly unimportant is permanently etched on the subconscious mind. One way to access your subconscious mind where the original memory is stored, is through hypnosis. Once you’re in communications with the subconscious mind you can review the origin of that fear in a more detached, less emotionally charged fashion. This act of observations lets you re-write the feelings and reactions you have to the situation to lessen the impact on you. This eliminates the phobia. While hypnosis does not actually alter or erase the past it will changes how you feel about that experience form now on. Hypnosis offers an opportunity to re-evaluate those emotions in the comfort and safety of your own mind.


If you can’t recall how a phobia arose and don’t know where to start try thinking about highly emotional hot spots in your past. Events rife with emotions like shame and humiliation are the best place to start. These experiences will likely be associated with bullies or people that teased or hurt you or events that are tainted by your own inappropriate behavior. These are the things we wish we could go back and change. Would it help if you could ‘be there’ to comfort and protect your younger? Would confronting the people who hurt you feel good?


One way to manage phobias is through hypnotherapy. A wonderful advantage to hypnotherapy is that because its main tool is the voice, hypnosis can be accomplished over the telephone, via Skype, or through internet video or audio conferencing. Most practitioners have experience or offer hypnosis help this way because it is as effective over the phone as it is in person.


There are in fact some advantages. The most obvious may be because the phobia from which you suffer keeps you from venturing out. Perhaps it is agoraphobia, or a fear of driving, or using public transportation. Hypnosis by phone is an excellent opportunity for those situations. The fact is not every area or community has a qualified hypnotherapy practitioner available. Using the phone is an obvious solution to location issues but it has other advantages. In addition to connecting you to the nearest hypnotherapist the phone can potentially connect you to specific highly talented specialists anywhere in the world. You can work from the comfort of your own couch.

Since everyone is unique is it impractical to offer rote diagnostics or therapies here. Your phobia may be ‘resolved’ enough for you to function in one session or in six months. There really is little way to know this before rolling up your sleeves and getting in there to begin the work. One session works for some others need two or more. There are too many variable such as the length of your attention span, the depths of the issue, or how truly you want change. Highly motivated people usually require fewer sessions

Your chosen hypnotherapist will have some initial questions such as ‘what is the nature of your phobias?’ ‘Have you consulted a doctor?’ ‘Are you taking any medications?’ These seem obvious but your hypnotherapist may ask other questions that will help them design an effective and appropriate process for you. They may ask if you are religious, or spiritual, your age, your estimation of your self-esteem.


After arranging for your phone or media session via telephone or e-mail you will likely spend some time discussing preliminaries, then the bulk of the time working in trance. Before the session ends you and your hypnotherapist will discuss their observations and your reactions for a little bit. Optimally you’ll need uninterrupted time, a safe comfy place to rest, and a charged phone.


There are other ways to approach resolving phobias. There are numerous CD audios in our catalog to choose from. The process is about neutralizing negative impacts of past situations. Your hypnotherapist may engage you in visualizations, guided imagery, and create individual suggestions geared toward your needs. Good hypnotherapists have countless tools to help you.


Call Full Circle Hypnosis Inc. today for more information 403-873-7501

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