Learning to Forgive With Hypnosis

‘Sticks and stones will break my bones but names can never hurt me– ’

Most of us have heard this saying before. In fact a lot of us were taught this by well-meaning adults who hoped to inspired us to ‘turn the other cheek’ and ignore taunts and teasing from bullies in school. But the fact is this old adage is simply not true. People have and still do die as a long term result of having been called names. It can simply be difficult to make a connection at first between the names and the illness that later develop. The cause and effect are separated most time by years or even decades. The original cause of problem that led to the development of the illness is instead attributed to environmental factors, or genetics, or some other random event.

If a child hears from his or her peers too often that, ‘you can’t play because you’re fat (or ugly, stupid, skinny, tall, short, etc.)  That child holds on to that ‘truth’ of not being ‘good enough’ or ‘likeable’ forever. The job of the subconscious mind is to remember and hold tight single thing you hear, see, and feel since you’re birth.

Between the ages of birth through five years old children live from their subconscious mind, all day every day. The unique quality of the subconscious mind is that it does not judge the difference between right and wrong because it does not filter information using logic or reason. The subconscious mind understands and believes what it absorbs without question or reason. This is why little kids can learn new skills and abilities with such a blinding speed. Important skills like walking, talking, tying shoe laces, reading and writing are learned in this subconscious state of mind.  

But this can also be a time when children learn that they aren’t wanted, don’t deserve love, or that they are unworthy. A young child hears a comment that they’re ‘bad.’ From then on all comments or observations that resemble this in tone or attitude are magnetically drawn together, they ‘bond’ with the original statement. The compounding of statements makes the belief grow in its limiting power. When children absorb ideas that tell them rich people are bad, that they themselves will never succeed, that men are ‘bad,’ or that love doesn’t exist they become subconscious beliefs. Over the years and decades the beliefs will eventually be manifested their real life experience. Their body and mind will conspire to create a real life that demonstrates the truths they know and accept.

Time and again I’ve seen people with a deeply ingrained belief that they ‘hurt others’ simply by ‘being alive.’ Logic and reason of course let us understand this is not true but if a child experienced a difficult pregnancy or birth the belief would be subconscious, flying under the radar of our day to day awareness. This subconscious belief would compel us to sabotage opportunities to enjoy life and success because ‘we don’t deserve to be happy.’

These buried derogatory beliefs are a leading causes of illness and disease.  Other life issues like poverty, depression, obesity, or addictions can also be attributed to these deeply implanted feelings of inadequacy. Fear, feelings of inadequacy, and low self-esteem make it difficult take risks, make choices, ask for a raise, or find their dream partner as adults.

Fear of public speaking is the number one fear in North America. Fear of public speaking is really the same fear of rejection we learned early at school. If teachers lost patience with us, we were hit for making mistakes, or if the other kids laughed at us if we stumbled over a word a non-supportive belief was planted. 

Most of us are stuck with these non-supportive beliefs that were generated in childhood even though the events that inspired them are long forgotten. As adults we’re baffled by strange limitations that may keep us trapped in debt or abusive relationships. We simply can’t figure out how we keep making the same mistake over and over again. Bringing the origin of the problem to awareness allows us to go through a healing process. This enables us to truly begin living our purpose. Shedding subconscious negative beliefs opens the potential for wonderful relationships, great health, and financial abundance.

Although going through the entire releasing process is more effective at helping you be truly free here’s a small way to started clearing limitations. Make a list of all the names you were ever called in school by teachers and fellow students. In your mind’s eye imagine confronting each person telling them exactly how what they said made the child you feel back then. Go ahead say it out loud (in private) and let it all out. Keep going until you start to feel negative emotions leave you. Then imagine looking into that person’s eyes and letting them know how you feel now that you’re free of those stuck emotions. To finish imagine yourself making different choices taking different actions in the future taking as a result of being free of those old ideas. Try this with each person who said something mean to you. By the time you’re finished you’ll feel amazing and free once again!


Call Full Circle Hypnosis Inc. today for more information 403-873-7501 or email an inquiry to info@fullcirclehypnosis.com




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